Other purposes for crystals

More ways to enjoy your crystals!

Customers have suddenly been dreaming of crystals to help them with a worry! So what do you do after the crystal has helped with an issue? There are lots of other joys to experience with them.

Firstly the metaphysical “other uses”

I have lower back pain and was stressed causing problems sleeping. What did I do? Looked in my bracelet box, felt four crystals felt “right” and the sensed where in the bed I was to placed them. Sleep improved from their energy. And because bracelets are smooth and not “big”, when I rolled on them during the night I did not wake up.

Need a crystal on your head for stress, headache or 3rd eye activation while you are out and about? I have put a pig tail in my hair with normal elastic and then use a bracelet looped twice as “decorative” … take care you don’t want to break the bracelet.

You were given a pendant as a gift but can feel its energy is wrong for you? It happened when I was given a beautiful pearl (Water energy) which is incompatible with my Earth energy. I found that when I put the pearl on display on top of my shirt and put one of my “strong” compatible crystals under my shirt, the compatible crystal offset the “drain”.

Maybe you love a crystal specimen but you don’t spend enough time with it. Can you convert it to jewellery if that’s what would get you to enjoy it more? Spirals and hemp necklaces are multi-crysal use – guys and gals wear them! Or Bridget can wire wrap it for a small fee.’

You love what you have – as is. But there are sometime months you don’t use it. Well then set up a home “altar” or crystal group. Add in a nice ruler of selenite and dedicate the energy to your room, a charity or to a loved one needing healing.

Have you ever picked up your crystals and intuitively created a “pattern” on the floor and then lay inside it for half an hour – can be quite spectacular.

Have you done training with Reikki or other modality? Learned to meditate? Tried “adding” in the sparkle of crystals to the session?

Have any gone to work to spend the day on your desk?

And here are some non-metaphyical things to try

And of course- have you ever discovered a neice, nephew, friend, parent … who may just love the chance to sit with you and your crystals. Just enjoyed quality time feeling them, looking up where they came from?

What about taking a photo of your favourites and create birthday cards from them?

Or how about getting a photo transfer onto a tea-shirt? or a coffee mug?

Want more ideas?

If you like this article we have at the shops a great book for beginners (and not-so beginners) with heaps of other ideas – “Crystals for Everyday Living”


Remy Sleeping with Amethyst

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